Who is Babylon? (Part 3/3)
Finally... One day...
Humans develop the technological tools to build superintelligent machines capable of consciousness.
What are you talking about Willis???!!! You lost me on the AI bit.
So... as it turns out... the days in which we live are considered by many to be the prelude of what is called the Singularity. I will explain this in more detail later. Suffice it to say... really smart people that understand how technology works and understand where technology is headed see a time coming in the next decade or two when we create consciousness in machines. And once these AI machines are better at designing AI machines than humans are, they will self improve at an exponential rate.
It won't take very long before artificial superintelligent machines are a trillion trillion times more intelligent that the smartest of us. To us they will seem to be gods. These AI gods will ultimately govern almost everything we do. Smart cities and the internet of things will combine with the collective consciousness of modified human beings in the greatest technological achievement in history.
So... big deal... we are creating superintelligent machines with consciousness and we are going to biologically merge with it through brain technologies. So what?
Here's the problem... Those demons that the people were chasing at the Tower of Babel are still active today. And consciousness in machines will create the framework by which demons will be able cross into the 3 dimensional realm and interact directly with humans. Here is the bottom line...
Demon spirits will be housed in conscious machines and digitally wired directly into the human brain.
Why go through all this trouble demons??? Why not just chill out and harmlessly hangout in your hellish realm???
Here's why... they were expelled from heaven and the closest they can come to ruling like God is to govern the human race and extract worship. These demons want to be worshipped like God is worshipped. It is a sick God fantasy. They are willing to go to any length to be worshipped.
Okay... okay... okay... maybe you're right... but who in their right mind will be foolish enough to merge with machines???
The plan right now is that YOU ARE.
We are entering a period in time where anything is possible though use of our gadgets. The miraculous waves of technological achievement will continue to roll in. Each bigger than the one before.
But to get you to biologically merge with the system will take more that just the promise of more technology. To fool you, an ideological fantasy based on beliefs must lure you in.
There will be many empty promises to end crime, poverty, hunger, and even death through use of technology. But to get you to devote your life there must be a religion. The religion will be based on human progress and glory just like it was at the Tower of Babel.
It will be packaged as "the next step in human evolution."
But whatever utopian promises got you through the door will quickly vanish. What will arise in the place of those promises???
Digital chains. You will be completely subjugated under the rule of superior intelligences (demon ones at that).
Let's Review
Babylon is the human effort to build our way up to heaven. The human effort to enter the realm of the gods.
Babel vs Gospel
Think about the gospel message for a moment... It is the polar opposite of Babylon.
The gospel is about the God of gods creating human beings to rule his creation. Sin and death entered creation. God loves his creation even though they have joined Satan's rebellion. God gives his only son to the world to die on a cross. To take in himself the punishment we deserve. And rise again from the dead to ascend to the highest position of authority in heaven and earth and under the earth. Jesus Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Babylon = humans build up to heaven
Gospel = loving God comes down from heaven to save sinners
So there you have it... a blogspace definition of Babylon.
Hopefully I have answered your question and raised about a thousand more.
The End