From Goo to Gods
The mind of a transhumanist is a strange place, but these ideas are rapidly gaining ground in our world, especially in younger crowds. Ask around and you will find out how modern culture is shifting away from traditional beliefs and embracing the religion of the future; a religion where the concept of the future itself constitutes the fabric of the holy vestment. Of course, they will insist they hold to no religion at all (they feel cooler that way). Regardless, this new brand of atheism is a religion all the same. It is the same-old-story repackaged in shiny wrapping paper. The devil’s lies are old, his promises empty.
The good news is the insanity won’t last forever. Eventually, humanity comes to the end of making things up; the devil will run out of time, and it feels like God is beginning to check His watch. Satan has got this one last shot at turning man against his Creator and so here it is that we come to the end. The final granddaddy deception to lure the fallen into perdition is arriving on our shores, now visible to anyone with eyes to see. The trumpets are set to blow. The church is prepared to awake.
To understand the nature of the coming deception, we must first understand the nature of the core historical deception. It’s fun to imagine scenarios of how the devil is gonna pull off a huge deception that no one sees coming. Mr. Rogers demonstrated the Land of Make Believe is a wonderful place with many intriguing possibilities. But we don’t need psychedelic imagination to understand how this deception will play out. The devil doesn’t need to do anything new. He’s just gonna build upon what he has already established. Here is what I mean: it is far easier to convince you that technology will make you god than it is to convince you that you arose from a puddle of primordial goo. And for most of us, we are already convinced. Charles Darwin has done the heavy lifting. If you think about it, the next step is extremely logical, deeply straight forward.
Oh the wonders of “science!” It’s the magic word used to convince us of anything. Put a geek in a lab-coat and whatever comes out of his mouth is gospel. Scientists are the priestly class in our godless culture. Our scientific experts stand before us like gods preaching a diversity of silly ideas, but none more atrociously outrageous than the Theory of Evolution. Somehow this sick joke has become the ground for all scientific reality. Listen to any expert speaking on the history and origin of mankind and you are bound to hear multiple references to the evolutionary process. The idea that every form of life, from birds to reptiles, from trees to bees, from veggies to deep-ocean eels, every single living thing arose from a puddle of primordial goo. All without a shred of evidence of transitional species in the fossil record and less than zero possibility that life emerge from non-life. Isn’t science amazing!!??? It brings our grandest delusions to life.
We have somehow arrived at a place in history where most of the world believes planetary life arose from a puddle of goo. A puddle of goo! While this is a shocking admission, it is nothing compared to the deceptions that are following on its heels. Our culture has effectively acclimated to the darkness accepting the lie that humans are nothing more than evolved animals lucking their way into existence. And now the pathway is cleared to end zone. We have accepted our status as beasts wired instinctually for our own survival. And because we have allowed Charles Darwin to explain our past, we are now prepared for Elon Musk to prophesy of our future. Our belief we come from goo has prepared us to believe we are destined to be gods.
The transhumanist’s Holy Grail is melding mind with machine. Elon Musk believes that if we can tether biological brains to artificial intelligence, we will be empowered to go along for the ride on a technological runaway train. Like I said, the mind of a transhumanist is a strange place. He believes Neuralink is humanity’s opportunity to merge with ai and experience godlike cognition. Quite a promise right? Elon Musk is personally pioneering the way into our “Posthuman” future. A brain-to-internet interface physically implanted into the forehead is framed as the threshold between evolved monkey and digital god. Neuralink is the gateway into the evolutionary future where the very definition of what it means to be human will change forever. The Tower of Babel was an effort to build the “gateway of the gods”, Elon Musk is poised to offer us the key. Musk’s promised transcendence naturally follows the evolutionary arc forged by Charles Darwin.
Before I begin the simple process of dismantling this obvious deception, I want you to take a moment and appreciate just how intoxicating it feels to consider the possibility that humanity has risen from primordial goo and is on our way to become technological gods. It feels wonderful to think we are so amazing! Doesn’t it? It’s absolutely incredible! It affirms how smart we are as a species, how powerful we are in our godlike capabilities to control our future and make ourselves whatever we want to be. But now stop. And think about just one more thing. This feeling is the identical feeling that pulsed through Eve’s veins. The same emotional rush of thinking she could become like God. It was all a lie designed to tear her away from her God. We are watching an ancient seduction play out in our world in real-time.
My next post will address how humanity is not evolving but actually devolving and the very promise to transcend our humanity through technology turns out to be God’s marker for permanently descending to the level of animals.